Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sleep Disorder (Insomnia) : Take action to improve your sleep!

Insomnia is indicator of health issues or illness, particularly when yous sleep is interrupted over an extended period of time. Quite a few psychological issues may arise with insomnia as its 1st symptom. Sleeping disorders are a very common afflictions for most people worldwide.

It normally starts as result of sleep problems caused by us practicing bad habits immediately before bedtime or due to pressing concerns which we may have. Insomnia is quite common in young mothers, whose sleep pattern are disturbed by the cries of their babies. These cries lead to them being wakened at irregularly intervals during the night to look after the needs of their babies. Taking care of an old relative can also disturb your regular sleep pattern.

Sleep disorder also affects people who frequently rotate shifts or work at night. Schedules of these people go against the body’s natural Circadian rhythm, and individuals have difficulty adjusting to the different sleep and wake schedule. Sleep disorder for Shift workers consists of a constant or recurrent pattern of sleep interruption that results in insomnia or excessive sleepiness. This disorder is common in people who work non-traditional hours, usually between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Even though there are numerous reasons for sleeping disorders; regardless of the cause, the ideal solution is to find a safe and natural method to combat sleep loss. Searching for a natural way to support healthy sleep, our founding scientist was inspired by the peaceful, calming feeling experienced after drinking milk.

His research revealed that the milk from certain cows had greater calming properties than other milk, believed to be associated with high levels of special proteins.

A simple DNA test enables these cows to be separated from others. Recognising the importance of this breakthrough, New Image identified herds of these select cows. Following collection, the milk undergoes a patented process to further enhance its sleep benefits. The level of lactose - milks natural sugar, is
also reduced to help with those that may have some sensitivity to lactose.

This special milk and the unique process results in a Unique Protein ProfileTM that has been clinically tested and demonstrated a significant improvement in sleep patterns, including increased REM sleep.

The pure Alpha Lipid Sleep Time milk powder is combined with a premium blend of Magnesium, Alpha Lipid®, Vitamin D and flavours and hermetically sealed in individual serve sachets.

Enjoyed warm or cold, it is an ideal bedtime drink. TRY SLEEP TIME NOW!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Alpha Lipid Sleep Time : Helping you to get better quality sleep!

So many of us are not getting a good quality sleep, regardless of how long we are in bed. As a result, we wake up feeling slow and unrested. A good quality sleep is essential to our body and mind – it enhances the way we look, feel and perform the next day.

Searching for a natural way to support healthy sleep, our founding scientist was inspired by the peaceful, calming feeling experienced after drinking milk.

His research revealed that the milk from certain cows had greater calming properties than other milk. This was believed to be associated with high levels of special proteins.

This special milk and the unique process results in a Unique Protein ProfileTM that has been clinically tested and demonstrates a significant improvement in sleep patterns including increased REM sleep.

Alpha Lipid Sleep Time is a world-first – made available exclusively to New Image distributors combining nature’s calming and sleep enhancing milk with a premium blend of ingredients to support natural relaxation and healthy sleep.

Try it tonight! Let the power of Mother Nature help you enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep and wake up looking and feeling revitalised.


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